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Financial Assistance

Research fellows receive monthly fellowship payments of EUR 2650 (postdoctoral researchers) or EUR 3150 (experienced researchers). These rates are based on the net salaries of academics with comparable qualifications in Germany.


An Allowance for Research Costs

Amounting to 800 EUR per month (for research projects in the natural sciences and engineering) and 500 EUR (for research projects in the humanities and social sciences) is paid additionally to the host.


Travel Expenses

The Humboldt Foundation grants research fellows a lump sum to cover their travel expenses to and from Germany.


Language Fellowships (get more information)

At research fellows’ request, intensive language courses at a Goethe institute or other recognised language school in Germany will be granted. These courses usually last two to four months and are scheduled prior to the actual research fellowship. In addition to the course fees, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation also pays the cost of bed and breakfast and grants pocket money during the language fellowship. Language courses are also available to marital partners under the same conditions upon application.


Start-up lump sum (not applicable to Feodor Lynen Research Fellowships)

Initial expenses of first time research fellows are covered by a lump sum of EUR 430. Spending on items like excess luggage, additional travel expenses, etc. should be considered well in advance.


Mobility Lump Sum (get more information)

For attending conferences, research travel, etc., research fellows will be granted EUR 100 per month.


Marital/Child Allowance (get more information)

If research fellows’ marital partners accompany them to Germany for at least three months, they can apply for a monthly allowance of EUR 326. For accompanying children, the amount would be EUR 234 per month. Single parents 400 EUR per month for the first child and 100 EUR per month for every additional child.


Subsidy towards the cost of medical and liability insurance

A sum of EUR 50 per month will be granted, also available to family members on application.

study tour, network meeting, annual meeting


Various conferences and journeys help new fellows to familiarise themselves with Germany and make contacts both with each other and with the Foundation. This is the origin of the world-wide Humboldt Network.

The Europe Research Fellowship or Extension of Research Fellowship

Humboldt Foundation
Liaison Office in Canada

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