Are there any quotas for particular disciplines?
There are no quotas for certain disciplines. Academic excellence serves as the sole selection criterion. Though, certain programmes only apply to specific disciplines.
It depends on the specific discipline. Scholars in the humanities and social sciences should have knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully. A German language certificate confirming proficiency must be submitted. Otherwise, a good knowledge of English is sufficient.
If physicians research project involves work with patients, the candidate must have a good knowledge of German. Otherwise, a good knowledge of English is sufficient. For all other disciplines good English skills are the minimum requirement. However, the Humboldt Foundation strongly encourages all its fellows and their partners to learn German through language courses during their research stay so that they can fully participate in social and cultural life in Germany.
No, there are not. However, research fellowships are meant for early career researchers so you must be within 12 years of completing your doctorate. For further information on limitations please check the individual programmes.
You are free to choose your own academic host. The Humboldt Foundation does not provide any direct support in finding a host. You can, however, search the Humboldt Online Network for Humboldt Foundation Alumni (Humboldtians) in Germany who may serve as a host or have tips on further contacts in your field. The Humboldt Association of Canada (HAC) can serve as another port of support to find an appropriate research partner in Germany.
The Humboldt Foundation welcomes the idea that fellows´ partners and children should accompany them and encourages this by paying family allowances in addition to the fellowship, provided that the family members accompany the fellow for more than three months.
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